Joseph R. Soraghan In Memoriamprintbutton

Nov 2, 2023

With profound sadness, Danna McKitrick, P.C. announces the passing of our colleague and friend, Joseph R. Soraghan on Thursday, October 26, 2023. Joe was a member of the firm for over 30 years.

A founding member of the Missouri Venture Forum, Joe will be remembered for his commitment to the start-up and entrepreneurial community. He also mentored entrepreneurs through the Gateway Venture Mentoring Service and the Information Technology Entrepreneur Network (ITEN). He loved assisting entrepreneurs with structuring and funding their businesses.

A significant portion of Joe’s legal practice was devoted to securities law advising broker-dealers and registered investment advisors regarding securities law, compliance and supervisory issues, and registration. An arbitrator for FINRA and the American Arbitration Association, Joe also tried securities law cases in federal and state trial and appellate courts and in SEC and Missouri Securities Commission administrative hearings. Joe was a securities law adjunct professor for the Washington University School of Law for over 15 years.

Well-known and highly respected in the business world, Joe was selected for the St. Louis Business Hall of Fame for his lifetime of contributions, accomplishments, and leadership. He was recognized many times over the years by the business community as a top attorney in the St. Louis area.

Joe served in U.S. Navy, where he worked aboard submarines, and as a Naval Reserve officer for over 20 years after active duty. He served as general counsel and former president and secretary for the St. Louis Chapter of the Navy League of the U.S.

Until recently, Joe was still playing softball and was an avid skier and runner. He was a lifetime member of the U.S. Ski Patrol. He was a former director and treasurer for the National Senior Games Association.

© Danna McKitrick, P.C. Attorneys at Law



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