Jeff Schmitt Completes Mediation Certificationprintbutton

Jun 7 2024

 Jeffrey R. Schmitt
 Attorney at Law

Congratulations to Jeff Schmitt on his completion of mediation certification for civil cases in the state of Missouri!

As a litigator, Jeff is the head of the litigation team at Danna McKitrick and litigates business and commercial disputes, title claims, professional negligence defense, and probate and fiduciary claims. He has represented numerous clients in state appeals and Federal appellate courts, including successfully arguing Naylor Senior Citizens Housing, LP, et al. v. Sides Construction Company, Inc., et al. before the Missouri Supreme Court.

As a mediator, Jeff brings his litigation experience to the table for resolving disputes outside of the courtroom.



Jeffrey R. Schmitt

© Danna McKitrick, P.C. Attorneys at Law



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