Contracts, Relationship Agreements & Processesprintbutton

We create and advise concerning contractual agreements that further enhance your business relationships with your manufacturers, distributors, resellers, licensors, vendors and suppliers, franchisors, employees, strategic partners and alliances, etc.

Well-written contracts define relationships and the terms of each agreement—the obligations that parties have to one another.

If developed thoughtfully, expectations are clear and the likelihood of misinterpretation can be virtually eliminated. We develop useful contracts that become foundational in our clients’ operations in the U.S. and abroad.

Our litigation and transactional attorneys put their heads together to ensure contracts are properly worded to afford the highest level of practical application. We consider provisions for enforcing contracts and protecting you from risk by including mechanisms for resolving disputes should business relationships not work out as hoped.

We believe all businesses should experience the financial protection and comfort that can result from well-written and enforceable contracts. Contracts that are positive and proactive—the side of law you prefer.


Contracts, Relationship Agreements & Processes Attorneys

Ruth A. Binger | William J. Bruin, Jr. | Ronald N. Danna | Michael J. McKitrick | Marcia Swihart Orgill | Brian S. Weinstock

© Danna McKitrick, P.C. Attorneys at Law



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