Federal Judge Rules in Favor of PSL Owners in Lawsuit Against the Ramsprintbutton


A federal judge in St. Louis has ruled that persons who had purchased Personal Seat Licenses (PSLs) and continued to purchase season tickets through the end of the team’s tenure in St. Louis are entitled to compensation or to purchase season tickets in LA, depending upon the PSL agreement which they had entered into.

David R. Bohm Attorney at Law

David R. Bohm
Attorney at Law

Two contracts exist: one with FANS Inc. and the other with the Rams.

PSL owners who purchased from FANS Inc. will receive a refund.   The Court held that by moving to LA, the Rams had terminated the PSL agreement with those PSL holders who entered into an agreement with FANS, Inc., but not with fans who had entered into an agreement with the Rams.

The Court held that the PSL agreement with the Rams had not terminated when the team moved, and those who had entered into a PSL agreement directly with the Rams are entitled to buy season tickets in Los Angeles.

“We are pleased with the judge’s decision recognizing that the Rams owe a duty to all PSL holders,” said David Bohm, attorney with Danna McKitrick, P.C. who represents several clients with Rams contracts.




David R. Bohm

© Danna McKitrick, P.C. Attorneys at Law



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